7 Ways to Convince Your Spouse That Real Estate is the Way to Invest

7 Ways to Convince Your Spouse That Real Estate is the Way to Invest

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Know your stock and bank-based investments are not as safe as you may think.

Market crashes are cyclical. History tells us that a market crash happens every 10 years. Some economists believe that our current level of volatility means that we may see one every five years now. Most investors are hoping that they don’t need their investments during one of those downturns, but we can just never know. The stock market has made many a millionaire and many more a fool. It is not the only game in town when it comes to investing. It is just one of many tools.

Realize your investment accounts are probably pretty expensive.

Most people don’t know how much they are paying in fees inside of their investment accounts. Once you see the cumulative effect of this, you will start to break your faith in the stock market as the only way to build wealth. I use a site called FeeX to track the fees in our investment accounts. The first time I did this, I nearly choked at the analysis! Try it with your spouse!

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by | BiggerPockets.com

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